Sunday, November 1, 2009

Hattie as Miss Bumble Bee!

Hattie turns 18 months today...she has been to- I think about 4 parties for Halloween this season. She is quit the party girl. Here she is as a bumble bee. We've had a lot of fun with her this Halloween. Last night there was a party in her home with her little friends..we went to visit her and give her her Halloween gift bag..I dressed as a witch and I thought she would be scared of me but she was so busy entertaining her friends I was no big deal...but she loved her gift bag. Hope you all had a great Halloween day yesterday...Sally


Celestina Marie said...

Hi Sally, So nice of you to stop by and say hello. Your little Hattie is so adorable as a bee. I bet she had so much fun.
What a cutie she is. I have so enjoyed to visit your post where she is featured too. Your roses are oh so gorgeous. You are one talented lady my friend.

Have a wonderful week and blessings to you and yours.
Hugs, Celestina Marie.
Hugs from Miss Beazy too.

Free Art Printables said...

She's so cute! that's such a fun age!